
Japan's Sugar High Twittersphere (September, 2012)

(This was written in September 2012)

I've been using Otter API to find out about news and buzz on the Internet. Today, as I was glancing at Top tweets on Topsy  language by language, it made me wonder what is going on―not a specific news that were being retweeted, but a phenomenon on Japanese tweetverse.

Of 15 tweets that appeared on the first page, NONE refers to news. 3 refers to newly released corn flavored ice candy bar, 3 refers to warning of Direct Message spam, and others are just pure blurbs that are  difficult for me to understand their points. It's interesting to see how Japanese tweetverse is shaping unique ecosystem that is not being influenced by news media or advertised contents but has only jokes of tweeter next door. (I went through 35 pages of top 100 tweets, but found no significant news related post nor fact based tweet). 

Compare this with top tweets of other languages. 

It's understandable that because U.S. is going under election campaign, and more news read online, most of top shared social contents were news from news sources such as Mashable.com or Huffington Post.

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