
What's Wrong with Adding Partitions to Everything

Polarized conversation on the Internet. Doodle by Keiko

In the age of information explosion, where network multiplies rapidly and online media continue to curates viral videos rushing around inflammatory comments by passerby, it’s almost as if every user owns the power to take part in making change within the network.

Yet, how much of these constant changes in the ever-lasting nowness gives effect to real life?

The stories around “change” have been rapidly changing in the last few years. You might be getting fewer stories because of digital silos, or getting too much of “10 Most Important Thing You Should Know Today” right after “A Woman Wants To Tell You The 5 Most Surprising Things “ or the likes of linkbait headlines. But for those who wish to seize the big picture of public opinions online, are we measuring the right thing?

There's a similar problem I've been facing in the last few years as a Japanese Language Editor at Global Voices, where I stick to the motto and try to be "impartial", however what appears, in other words, is  I push myself to find the "both sides" while missing the middle ground. So I insert an excuse -- "it's not that opinions are divided into two. Majority of people have neutral, more nuanced opinions but they choose to stay silent" --but in often cases I'm not eloquent enough to convince my editor how problematic it is to omit the middle ground -- those less loud or mostly silent majority. I can understand, I mean hey, how can it be a news story if there's no clear contrast and highlights, right?

But it makes me feel uncomfortable sometimes..
To my eyes, telling stories equals to taking a picture of a particular landscape. These stories are meant to give deeper understanding of Japan to the readers. Because my position was limited to reporting on whatever stories to be associated with a particular nation state, mostly because of the nature of the Japanese language being spoken by people in Japan unlike Spanish or French, and not because it's been intentionally set up, it makes me extra cautious about the narrative I have to make, to be associated with the people in the nation. In order to do so, I avoid three things: generalization, sensationalism, and exaggeration.

Screenshot of Photoshop editor with histogram. I made the picture to be extremely bright and high in contrast 

In four days of workshop at Center for Internet Society I attended in June at Bangalore, India, I thought about how to better evaluate voices in a way that would not fall in sensationalism. What are the measurement appropriate for tons of conversations taking place online? When I say "sensationalism", you may be reminded of yellow journalism like the press picking up on trivial incidents of celebrities over more significant other issues like no-so-sexy politics, like the case of massive coverage of Anna Nicole Smith or Clinton's intern Monica Lewinsky. However, it doesn't take a celebrity for a news reporting organization to fall for sensationalism. If I am to pick up under-reported stories by mainstream media (this means that the scale and impact of the original comment is inherently small compared to the mainstream discourse), what voices would be exactly appropriate? I do believe that I have a taste in picking up diverse stories from various sources on the Internet, but how can I franchise the idea with a shared measurement in numerical form so that everybody will feel just when doing so? How can I be sure I'm doing the right thing when I'm quoting this person and not that person?

My sincere need for measurement came after publishing a story on anti-Korean protest and anti-anti-Korean protest in Shin-Okubo, Tokyo. The story sparked other well-known international media outlets like Al Jazeera and BBC, to write what they think was an increased rivalry between Korea and Japan. Another case I felt was when I wrote the story on whaling in Japan.

It's easier to view any phenomenon by partitioning in binary-- like the left vs the right, the good vs the bad, the conservatives vs the progressives, or Hamas vs Israel --. If somebody presents you a complex story, you might say "okay, so who's the bad guy?" In the world where everything seem to be polarized--from the PEW research report showing political polarization to the sectarian rivalries in Iraq, sections, adding partitions to certain opinions and categorize massive amount of comments into a box of ideology make you feel like it helps seizing the landscape of chaotic conversations online. But in reality, you are missing so much more.

If you want a black and white, simple story, the case about anti-Korean protest can be told as follows:

There's a growing group of extreme racists in Japan. They loudly speak against residents of Korean ethnic origin and they make hate speech graffiti around the residential area as shown in this Google Map. But another group of good Japanese who care about their neighbors, stood up and organized the counter action, the anti-anti-Korean protest.

It's easy not to see any problems in this narrative if your source of information is English media , especially without acknowledging historical background about Japan-Korea history, the mechanism of nationalists, right wing activists and leftists in Japan. I'm not going into that, for it's way too complex to tell, but if the above were to be the narrative, (instead of the one I wrote at GV) it relies heavily on either sides of the fringe, that it completely ignores the middle. Same can be told about almost all the narratives on whaling or any fair and impartial stories about Japan (or, apparently, stories about any nation state or whatever that means).

This is not a complain about particular platform, its my problem too. The only thing I've been doing in an effort not to ignore the middle, is to have a paragraph of an excuse, saying things like "this is not the whole picture, there's the middle where most people sit" in a more news-writing-tone. But it seems this is not working well. In often cases, these excuses are tapered into a tiny bit in editing.

Dualism is a product deep rooted in the history of philosophy. The Ying and Yang in China, and the God and Creation in Christianity to name a few. I'm not a linguist -- I hope some linguists out there can debunk the way people tell stories in various languages -- but I also like to note that what you would have to imagine, contrary to Yes and No in English, Japanese language isn't made up of simple colloquially binary answers to all questions.

There's more. My take on the recent increase in polarization has to do with the computation and program -- a system made up of 0 and 1 -- and events are triggered based on the value you enter. It's a situation IFTTT. You are programmed to think like binaries.

I wonder where we are heading when obscurity is lost. My next endeavor is to come up with an idea for measurements in storytelling. Something poly-dimensional, a more complex version of a rubic cube. The way we see stories now is only a perspective on few dimensions of cubes aligned in two colors.



This post was written in April 2013. これは2013年4月に書かれたブログ記事です。


Okay, here's what I really feel about all this.
Please note that this is nothing personal and I'm 100 % for whatever Jun Hori is up to, to make this country and the world a better place through Journalism. But he's ignoring a whole scale of issue in public sphere that he may need to learn from now on.
My language may not be appropriate for I'm dealing with my purest emotions.

First, I don't want no more of ex-NHK, former TV producers, ex-news reporter to represent or act like they are the leaders the movement of civic journalism. Your existing here alone is harming the ecosystem of what civic media thrive to be.



まるでここ数年のインターネット技術やその普及、ソーシャルメディアによって「誰もが情報の送り手となった」だなんて言っているけど70年代にはホームビデオにおさめられる映像が娘の運動会だけじゃないことをすでに知っていたし、もっと遡れば電波はこんなふうに管理されていなかったー無線ラジオが始まって管理され、その後自由ラジオやLow Power FM運動、プロメテウスラジオや海賊ラジオなど・・・Facebookページに行かなくても、ペンパルやミニコミ誌を通じて情報を入手することができた。もっとも、一般市民の取得した情報を糧にモンスターのように巨大化していったのはマスメディアのほうだった。あなたのかわいい子犬がしっぽにじゃれてぐるぐる回転するのが面白いからビデオに収め、それをテレビ局に送ったこと、お昼ご飯の残り物片手に世論調査の電話に答えたこと、今日も残業か、とつぶやくかわりに芸能人の離婚騒動について職場で同僚とはなしたこと、カラーコンタクトをつけて染色したこと、ディオールの広告に登場する女優の肌を手に入れるために化粧品を購入したこと、鳥インフルエンザや増加する凶悪犯罪に恐怖心を覚えること・・・これらのいずれかについて身に覚えがあるのならあなたはモンスターにタダで餌をあげてくれていたのだから。あなた自身をよりみすぼらしい環境に陥れ、消費による幸せを手に入れ、ルール以上に厳しい社会規範を見せつける装置を見つめてくれたおかげでこのモンスターはよく育った。あなたなしにモンスターは存在し続けることができないーだからモンスターは、あなたが強力なパワーの持ち主だと最初からわかっていた。それを今になって、テクノロジーだ、イノベーションだ、ボトムアップだ、だなんて聞いていられない。






オープンジャーナリズムとは、SNS・ソーシャルネットワークの発達に伴い存在が議論されるようになった概念で、従来、編集権を主張し特定の職業メディア人たちによって行わ れてきた取材、執筆・撮影、編集作業に、市民をはじめとした非メディア人が制作者の1人として関わる取り組みを指す。
You cannot refer citizen as "non-media person". It's been long since Dan said "we the media".
ここからもわかるように、彼にとって市民というのは永遠に非メディア人なのだ。オープンジャーナリズムにメディア人も非メディア人もない。Participatory Journalismだったら、非メディア人って言ってもいいけど。その後ろのガーディアンを称賛する部分もまったくモンスターのプロットに気づいていないよ。マイクロタスク化して、オープンにすることで、労働が廃絶すると思ったか?



Japan's Sugar High Twittersphere (September, 2012)

(This was written in September 2012)

I've been using Otter API to find out about news and buzz on the Internet. Today, as I was glancing at Top tweets on Topsy  language by language, it made me wonder what is going on―not a specific news that were being retweeted, but a phenomenon on Japanese tweetverse.

Of 15 tweets that appeared on the first page, NONE refers to news. 3 refers to newly released corn flavored ice candy bar, 3 refers to warning of Direct Message spam, and others are just pure blurbs that are  difficult for me to understand their points. It's interesting to see how Japanese tweetverse is shaping unique ecosystem that is not being influenced by news media or advertised contents but has only jokes of tweeter next door. (I went through 35 pages of top 100 tweets, but found no significant news related post nor fact based tweet). 

Compare this with top tweets of other languages. 

It's understandable that because U.S. is going under election campaign, and more news read online, most of top shared social contents were news from news sources such as Mashable.com or Huffington Post.








仏心は人間に限らず、あらゆるものに宿っている本心・本性です。(略) たとえば、一枚のちり紙にも仏様は宿っています。というのは、ちり紙には、濡れたものをふくなどといった作用(機能)があります。いくら便利でも、携帯電話では鼻かめません。そのように、一枚のちり紙にも、一滴の水にも、みんな、ものにはそれぞれに違うは作用(はたらき)があり、そのものをそのものたらしめる本心(作用)が宿っているのです。