
Explore Jeju

I made a short trip to Jeju island (South Korea) in August 2011.

You might have heard of Jeju, since Gloria Steinem, an author/activist and a co-founder of theWomen’s Media Center has written an op-ed on NYTimes appeared on Aug 7th entitled " The Arms Race Intrudes on Paradise" about construction plan of a base in Gangjeong.

Gangjeong villagers and supporters around the globe are protesting against the base, including
Bruce K. Gagnon of Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space and more information available in English from SAVE JEJU.org as well as their facebook page.


Jeju Island, the world natural heritage site designated by UNESCO is often called "Women's Island". Alice Walker once said in her speech at Black Women Writers Dissecting Globalization event in 2004, "the feminists in South Korea are wonderful. They’re very strong. Very energetic." recalling her visit to Jeju Island.


Also, the long tradition of Sea-women diving allowed women divers to be economically independent from men, making Jeju feminism unique. Ko Myounghee, the Head of Jeju Women's Crisis Center and
Jeju Association for Women's Rights told me " Henyo, the women divers made independence
song to protest Japanese military. It was women who were fighting against the occupation during the Great War"

Jeju Association for Women's Rights (picture taken at meeting room)
was founded in 2006, aims to eliminate violence against women, and promote women's right, peace and justice, through taking on issues such as comfort women and domestic violence.
また、古くから続く海女の習慣が女性を経済的に自立させていたことが、この島の女性地位の独自性を促したとに由来するかもしれません。2006年に設立され慰安婦問題やドメスティックバイオレンスなどについて取り組む済州女性の権利協会(Jeju Association for Women's Rights)のセンター長のコー・ミョンヒ氏は、「海女たちは、

"Tamra the Island" , a Korean drama illustrating Jeju Island ("Tamra" is old name for Jeju) you can see powerful sea women divers . Given the beauty , many films are shot in Jeju island. Along with Jeju Film Commission , Jeju Media Center is oldest of its kind in Korea. In Jeju Visual Media Center (photo) , students learn how to use cameras and other equipment.
韓国ドラマ「Tamra the Island」の中でも力強い海女さんの姿を見にすることができます。
Jeju Visual Media Center 内の写真)


The Independent Television Service (ITVS) 20周年!

インディペンデントのドキュメンタリー作家を公共メディアでサポートするThe Independent Television Service (ITVS) が20周年を祝って選りすぐりのドキュメンタリーをオンラインで放送しますhttp://itvs.org/indies-showcase(一応アメリカ国内しか見れない、ということになっているみたいですが)


